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  /    /    /    /  New Customer Email Campaign

New Customer Email Campaign

The goal of this email campaign was to retain first-time e-commerce customers. Many of these new customers came to us during the supply chain shortages that arose from the 2020–2022 COVID pandemic. We had what they needed but couldn’t get from their usual electronic components distributors.

As such, this audience represented tremendous opportunity for us to convert (or at least share) customers who’d previously belonged wholly to our competitors. Sometimes opportunity knocks. Here, it handed us its purchasing card.

I started developing this campaign around a simple anthem that would resonate with these customers: There’s plenty more where that came from. I designed art that exudes optimism while playfully depicting what the campaign is about—keeping customers on top of their projects with components and fulfillment from Mouser.

I painstakingly created photorealistic composites of tiny components exaggerated to eye-catching size. I warped each component’s perspective so that it appears to meld with our shipping boxes. Atop it all I added our confident, in-control customers. With my design obsessiveness cranked to 11, I painted-in detailed drop shadows that maximize each composite’s surreal realism. Finally, I framed each composite within dynamic geometric shapes, and set them against vibrant color backgrounds.

Photoshop and Illustrator weren’t my only tools to prepare this campaign to win the inbox. I next summoned a powerful martech “boss” to enter the game.

Mouser’s email marketing runs on the sophisticated Eloqua marketing automation platform. Eloqua’s dynamic content and field merge functionalities allow us to make every part of an email (subject line, preheader, art, body copy, etc.) personalized to each recipient.

In this campaign, I used the customer’s recent purchasing data to show them that we have more of what they need most. Collaborating with our marketing automation team, we organized each customer’s purchases by product category. We then ranked each customer’s top six product categories based on the quantities they bought. Email two in the campaign featured each customer’s top three product categories; email three their 4-6 categories.


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