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  /    /    /    /    /    /  Mouser Buyer Content Campaign

Mouser Buyer Content Campaign

Mouser Electronics’ growth depends on appealing to two very different personasdesign engineers and purchasing professionals. To grow our market-share and engagement with buyers, I led the development and implementation of a new content marketing strategy.

First, I researched and identified key content marketing topics that are vital to buyers at electronics manufacturing OEMs and EMSs. Then I kicked-started our content marketing team’s momentum finding sources for articles, videos and infographics. With these foundations set, we then needed a digital hub where our new content would live and an evergreen promotional campaign to drive awareness, interest and engagement there.

We selected the UberFlip content marketing platform to serve as the backbone for our new hub, called the Purchasing Resource Library. My final step was to set the overall visual style and messaging tone for our promotional campaignfrom our colorful and succinct email layouts to our conversational (sometimes comedic) subject lines, preheaders and body copy. Our promotional video “Speed Distributing” won several 2023 Telly Awards (Silver for Branded Content, Use of Comedy; Silver for Branded Content, General B2B; Silver for Branded Content, Videography/Cinematography)

In less than a year after its launch, the Purchasing Resource Library became Mouser’s highest-traffic marketing site.


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