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Mouser Scope of Capabilities Infographics

Good infographics prove that a picture is worth a thousand words. This infographic proves how good pictures can convey the worth of a million square feet. The heart of Mouser Electronics’ offering to its global customers is its more than one million square foot (and growing) distribution warehouse. The warehouse stocks and ships millions of the newest and most advanced components for electronics manufacturing. It fulfills orders from over half a million customers in 226 countries. Huge numbers stacked upon huge numbers, all so large as to become abstractions that defy easy visualization.

To help customers relate to Mouser’s mammoth scope, the infographics divide various aspects of Mouser’s impressive operations into several visual analogies. Each analogy contrasts an aspect of Mouser’s infrastructure with objects and ideas familiar to the audience. For example, the square footage of Mouser’s warehouse is greater than thirteen soccer fields.

Each pair of illustrations is unified by a common design style, collaging photographic and iconographic elements to form compositions that are at once imaginative and abstract yet clearly depictive of the facts they illustrate.

Graphic Design USA recognized this infographic with a 2022 American Graphic Design Award.


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