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  /    /    /  Buyer Acronym Infographic

Mouser Buyer Acronym Infographic

One of my biggest goals as Mouser Electronics’ Creative Strategist was to boost content engagement among purchasing professionals. Research revealed that many buyers are thrust into their company’s purchasing department by happenstance. Much of their professional learning and development happen on-the-job and through “tribal knowledge” shared by peers. They need and deserve content that supports them.

I approached my goal with two things in mind. First, too much content marketing for procurement is dry to the point of doubling as anesthetic. I wanted to support buyers with content that was as delightful as it was practical. Second, good marketing is always about the audience more than the brand. They’re the hero. A good brand plays the role of trusty and supportive sidekick. For this project, I took the hero analogy literally.

I invoked the theme and style of comic book and pop art to turn this list of useful yet dry, jargon-y procurement acronyms into a fun, scrollable and shareable infographic.

The infographic generated significant engagement on Mouser’s Purchasing Resource Library content hub. It also received an American Graphic Design Award from Graphic Design USA.


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