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  /    /    /    /    /  We ❤️ Buyers Campaign

We ❤️ Buyers Campaign

For someone to fall in love with you, it helps if they can see that you already love them. This hopeful idea inspired the strategy and creative for our “Buyer Love” email nurture campaign.

Mouser Electronics is a components distributor. Its market share thrives on two professional personas–engineers and buyers. Engineers design new electronics. They then pass-off their parts list (called BOM, bill of materials) to a procurement department that buys the components needed for manufacturing their designs. As important as engineers are as designers and creators, it’s the procurement department that picks where to buy the necessary parts.

Our goal was to gain market share with procurement professionals by talking to them as the unsung yet equally important heroes in electronics manufacturing.

Our creative leaned into the power of analogy and comedy to make a campaign that was part The Bachelor, part Romeo and Juliet and all love letter to buyers. I commissioned award-winning commercial photographer Tom Hussey to shoot and composite scenes in our warehouse that playfully depicted our love for buyers. We carried the theme through in the humorous and conversational tone of the campaign’s messaging—subject lines, preheaders and body copy.

With audience segmentation and deployment done in Eloqua, the four assets of this campaign earned a remarkable 47% average open rate and an astounding 16% average click rate.


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